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  • ✨ Introducing BarrelWise Insights: The data-driven newsletter for wineries

✨ Introducing BarrelWise Insights: The data-driven newsletter for wineries

It's official — Welcome to 📊 BarrelWise Insights!

This is a project where we analyze the steady stream of data coming in through our FS1 System — 30,000 Free SO₂ measurements so far and counting! Working closely with our partner wineries, we believe this project will provide valuable insights into how wineries can manage their cellar processes more efficiently and effectively.

Now, let’s start with this month’s highlights.

📊 All about the BarrelWise Insights project

To know more about project directions, future topics, and featured articles, visit our page dedicated to this project. It looks brief for now, but we plan to add plenty more in the future!

🔍 Identifying Outliers: A Tale of Two Barrels

We hand-picked a case of our customer winery about how they detected two outlier barrels early and investigated them, representing the two common issues in the sulfur management process: process errors and microbial problems.

⚖️ Which Free SO₂ test method is right for you? (The Workflow Edition)

We'll take a break from the technology and focus on the workflow aspect, in which automation plays a significant role, and how it can help you better choose your next test method.

📝 7 Tips for Evaluating Winery Analysis Methods and New Technology

Here are some tips from us on assessing the data quality aspect more effectively when considering new Free SO₂ technology for your winery.


🚀 30,000 measurements and counting

Many winemakers and lab teams have empowered their cellar teams to run Free SO₂ analysis and are now free to focus on high-level tasks such as managing problematic barrels and improving their quality control programs.

📈 Great Tool: Our SO₂ Addition Calculator

Did you know? Our SO₂ Addition Calculator has been among the most frequently visited resources on our website! This calculator is for wineries to quickly determine the amount of sulfite (KMS/SMS) that needs to be added in the form of powder or solution.

That’s it for this month!

See you in the next round, and don’t forget to share this with those you think they’ll love.